تعرفه و هزینه
سایت شرکتی
پیشنهاد اولیه ما به تمام کسانی که میخواهند سایت داشته باشند ولی نه با هزینه سنگین و یا نه یک سایت فروشگاهی داشتن یک سایت شرکتی می باشد که شما را معرفی میکند و باعث میشه که در دنیای وب هم دیده شوید...
Pricing features
* Please read all the terms and conditioned before chosing any plan.
Simple and affordable plans for everyone
Small Business
$199/ month
This plan is suitable for small businesses and offices. Simply send us the size of your company and we will get back to you with the plan.
- Fast project turnaround time
- Substantial cost savings
- International quality standards
- Customized project
- Increase in business revenue
Small Business
$299/ month
This plan is suitable for small businesses and offices. Simply send us the size of your company and we will get back to you with the plan.
- Fast project turnaround time
- Substantial cost savings
- International quality standards
- Customized project
- Increase in business revenue